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Developer Guide

While this project is new and we don't have full contribution guidelines yet, we are open to any PRs and or issues raised. Feel free to reach out to us on slack as well!

In the weeds architecture

Have a look at the architecture guide on the internal workings of the Operator here

Local Development

Both of these can be obtained via nix-direnv, which will automatically configure your shell for you.

  • A k8s cluster is available via your kubectl client. This can be a remote cluster or a local cluster like minikube
    • NOTE: Depending on your cluster, you may have to take additional steps to make the image available. For example with minikube, you may need to run eval $(minikube docker-env) in each terminal session to make the image from make deploy available to the cluster.



Using the E2E Fixtures

Several examples are provided in the e2e-fixtures folder. To use an example, make a copy of the included EXAMPLE*config.yaml in the same directory, like this:

  • cp e2e-fixtures/hello-world-ingress/EXAMPLE-config.yaml e2e-fixtures/hello-world-ingress/config.yaml
  • cp e2e-fixtures/ingress-class/EXAMPLE-config-different.yaml e2e-fixtures/ingress-class/config-different.yaml

Then, you need to update the value field in that new file.

You can then apply the given example via kubectl apply -k e2e-fixtures/<example in question>, i.e. kubectl apply -k e2e-fixtures/hello-world-ingress.

E2E Tests

If you run the script ./scripts/ it will run the e2e tests against your current kubectl context. These tests tear down any existing Operator and examples, re-installs them, and then runs the tests. It creates a set of different ingresses and verifies that they all behave as expected


Please see the release guide for more information on how to release a new version of the Operator.